Nanomed Europe 21
September 7 – 9, 2021, virtual event
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The 16th annual event of ETPN & the 4th ENM conference merged into a unique event: #NME21.

About #NME21
NME21 is a unique online conference in Europe bringing together scientists, technology providers, entrepreneurs, industry and clinicians, all of them developing great medical applications of Nanotechnologies and emerging MedTech.
Scientific lectures on Nanomedicine & sessions about translation to market of nanomedical products will be held in parallel.
After the great success of NME19 held in Braga, Portugal in 2019, NME21 is co-organized by the ETPN and Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology. We are proud to present Kantonsspital St.Gallen and the University of St.Gallen as co-hosts.
NME21 was designed to be hosted by Olma Messen, the largest meeting place in Eastern Switzerland in which trade fairs, congresses and cultural events bring together around 800,000 people per year. Following the latest developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, NME21 goes fully virtual!

Key Topics at NME21
NanoMedicine in Clinics, Emerging MedTech, Digital Health, Materials meet Life, Medical Imaging, Biomonitoring, Nanosystems, Nanopharmaceuticals, NBCD, Nano-Theranostics, Translation, Ethics, Drug delivery, Nuclear Acid Nanomedicine, Personalized Health and Related Technology, Computational Modelling, New Technologies for Medicine, Nano-Immunomedicine, Nano-Oncology, Nano and Infection, mRNA Vaccines, COVID-19.Featured Talks & Speakers
NME21 has invited inspiring keynote speakers coming from both academic and industry background. Register & meet the leaders who are shaping the future of Nanomedicine & Advanced Technoologies for healthcare!

Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Andreas Kuhn
Senior Vice President RNA Biochemistry & Manufacturing at BioNTech RNA Pharmaceuticals GmbH

Thursday, September 9, 2021
Christine Allen
Associate Vice-President & Vice-Provost, Strategic Initiatives & Professor at University of Toronto

Thursday, September 9, 2021
Andre Nel
Distinguished Professor David Geffen School of Medicine at the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI), UCLA
A warm Welcome to NME21
On behalf of the organizing team of Empa and partners, I am very pleased to welcome you all to the NanoMed Europe 2021 Conference in Switzerland, in the area of Lake of Constance, at the historical town St. Gallen.
The current situation illustrates very clearly that diseases and in this case, infection diseases have a tremendous impact on our society, economy and social environment. It shows also, that only interdisciplinary approaches, close collaborative exchanges between scientists, clinicians as well as the industry can address and hopefully overcome such a pandemic crisis.
NanoMed Europe is designed to motivate and foster interactions, networking, and enabling work in partnerships to seek for solutions to societal challenges of present times. The European Nanomedicine research community has a large tradition for collaborative work, is bridging to next key enabling technologies and is implementing it, to address and as long-term vision, cure diseases.
It is my great pleasure to be the Chair of NME21, to host you all for an exciting meeting giving you the best possible platform for your presentations, debates and dynamism and wish us a fruitful conference, a memorable visit to Empa and an enjoyable stay in St. Gallen.
Dear ETPN members, dear Nanomedicine colleagues,
The European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN) is happy to invite you to the next edition of NanoMedEurope, NME21, which this time will visit St. Gallen, a historical town in the Northeast of Switzerland. ETPN organizes the NME21 in close collaboration with our local host from EMPA under the lead of Peter Wick.
In these challenging times, it is important to have new adventures to look forward to and create European meeting places for interdisciplinary collaborations between academics, clinicians, and industry to address emerging health challenges. NME21 will be a unique place in Europe to meet scientists, companies, agencies, EC officers with interest in nanomedicine development. We will motivate, foster, and showcase great science, enable networking, create new partnerships and brainstorm about the industrial expansion of Nanomedicine, all in a friendly and vibrant atmosphere.
NME 21 will have a mix of key invited presentations and possibilities for you to present your projects in addition to a lot of networking in breaks and social events. We look forward to seeing you all in St. Gallen at NME21!

Share your success story!
Selected talks, pitch me up sessions, showcase of innovative projects, updates on European projects will give you many opportunities of sharing your success stories. Efficient matchmaking tools will optimize networking all throughout the event; Find new partners for R&D and end-users of your technologies, build your next successful Horizon Europe consortium, pitch your SME, meet all stakeholders from Research to Industry!

Boost your innovation!
NME21 is indeed a young scientists / entrepreneurs friendly event! Education sessions on both research and product development will give you access to the latest trends in Nanomedicine and emerging medical technologies. Strategic advice from the HealthTech Translation Advisory Board (TAB) experts will also be provided at NME21. The TAB is a mentoring service providing you with holistic and milestone-driven support by industry experts, boosting your innovation in Nanomedicine.

Product demos & Poster exhibition
An exhibition hall within the lunch and break area of NME21 venue will allow you to exhibit your company, products and/or European Projects. Poster exhibition will also be organized in the same area to optimize interactions between participants! Will you win the Best Poster Award?
Pricing & Registration
- All NME21 Sessions
- Matchmaking tool
2 free tickets (+110CHF from 3rd attendee)- ETPN General Assembly
- ETPN WG meetings
- All NME21 Sessions
- Matchmaking tool
upon justificative document- All NME21 Sessions
- Matchmaking tool
Become an ETPN member...
Sponsor NME21!
Click here to contact us and sponsor the event or have a booth for your company/project in the exhibition hall at NME21
Registration & abstract submission open now!
Are you a young scientist, a project manager in Nanomedicine, an entrepreneur, a clinician, working in Pharma or MedTech industry? NME21 is a unique opportunity to meeting new collaborators and sharing your success story! Get ready to register & submit your abstracts.
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