Learn more about the most active people in the organization of the NME21 event!

Organization team
NME21 is jointly organized by the ETPN & Empa, and hosted by Olma Messen.

Ruth Schmid
Chair of NME21, Chair of the ETPN, VP Markering at SINTEF

Alexander Geissler
Co-chair of NME21, Professor at University of St. Gallen - School of Medicine

Peter Wick
Chair of NME21, Head of Particles-Biol. Interac at Empa

Miodrag Filipovic
Co-chair of NME21, Deputy Head Physician / Head of Intensive Care Medicine at Kantonsspital St.Gallen

Alexandre Ceccaldi
Coordinator of NME21, General Secretary of the ETPN

Ralph Engel
Local coordinator of NME21, Head of the Events department at Olma Messen
Register Now!
Are you a young scientist, a project manager in Nanomedicine, an entrepreneur, a clinician, working in Pharma or MedTech industry? NME21 is a unique opportunity to meeting new collaborators and sharing your success story! Get ready to register & submit your abstracts.